Spot The Early Signs of Arthritis and Seek Arthritis Treatment

It's normal to experience aching joints and weakness, especially when starting a new fitness regimen. However, chronic or abnormal pain may indicate early arthritis and you should take it more seriously, according to the experts of Adam Vital Hospital. If left untreated, arthritis can be debilitating, as the inflammation in the joints can interfere with daily tasks and functioning, lowering your quality of life and mobility. Arthritis can be difficult to manage, so it's best to take precautions and start receiving proper arthritis treatment immediately.

Arthritis: What is it?

One or more joints in your body can develop arthritis, which causes pain, swelling, and tenderness to touch. The symptoms of arthritis worsen with age and include joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and a decreased range of motion. The two most common forms of Arthritis are:

1.     Osteoarthritis

The supple tissue at the ends of your bones gradually deteriorates because of osteoarthritis. Hands, neck, lower back, knees, and hips can all get affected.  If you are looking for an effective and long-term knee pain treatment, drop a mail at to book an appointment with their experts.

2.    Rheumatoid Arthritis

It is an inflammatory condition that affects your joints, particularly those in the fingers, wrists, feet, and ankles. Plus, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can also cause painful deformities and immobility. Therefore, it is a must to seek immediate medical attention and treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.

A Few Signs of Arthritis That You Must Not Ignore

While living with arthritis on a daily basis, you've probably figured out when to ignore the pain and when to seek medical attention. But what if you have a completely different experience - you're out of breath, every bump leaves a bruise, or you're losing weight without even trying?

These, and many other symptoms that do not affect your joints, can all be related to your arthritis. Some of them require immediate medical attention. Let’s get into the details below:


Increased inflammatory disease activity, fibromyalgia, depression, or anemia could all be causes of unusually high levels of fatigue. These can occasionally be brought on by rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Even though a day of feeling more tired might just be your body's signal to slow down and rest more, you should let your rheumatologist know if it happens often, is severe, or lasts for more than a week.

Joint Stiffness

This, along with a number of other symptoms, is frequently connected to the inflammation brought on by arthritis. When you move, the stiffness may become slightly less severe. It may be worse in the morning and reduces as the day passes by. To reduce stiffness, try some gentle stretching or low-intensity exercise, such as yoga or a walk. However, if it doesn’t get better, you must consult a doctor as early as possible. The sooner you detect arthritis, the better your arthritis treatment will work.

Knee Pain

Details matter if you are experiencing knee pain. You will be questioned by your healthcare provider about the onset of your joint pain, whether it came on suddenly or gradually, and how long it has lasted. Your healthcare provider will also want to know if the pain gets worse with exercise or goes away entirely when you lie down.

The general symptoms of arthritis include morning stiffness and pain, which gradually subside once you begin to move. However, always consult with the experts to receive the best knee pain treatment that suits your individual case.

Breathing Difficulties

This symptom, especially if it occurs with a dry cough or with little or no exertion, could indicate a potentially serious problem, such as a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lung) or interstitial lung disease (scarring of the lung tissue), which affects up to one in every ten people with rheumatoid arthritis RA.

Creaky Joints

Arthritis is caused in part by the breakdown of a joint's normal, smooth articular cartilage. Smooth joint motion can be hampered by rough, loose cartilage and other tissue in the joint. As the irregular cartilage moves through contact areas, your joints may feel stuck or locked, or they may feel like they have a sandpaper-like grating sensation when you try to move them.


A malaise is a general ill feeling or absence of well-being. Living with constant pain, inflammation, or loss of mobility almost certainly results in malaise. It is thought to be a direct physical result of coping with an ongoing illness or disability.

Joint Ache

After a long day or after being active, your joints may hurt, and you should take this seriously. Arthritis is characterized by chronic joint pain that worsens over time. For example, if you are having chronic back pain, consult an expert doctor and follow the advice of intaking back pain medicine


Make an appointment with the experts at Adam Vital Hospital if you experience any of these symptoms so they can rule out conditions related to arthritis. If arthritis develops, it can have a negative impact on both your physical and mental health. Therefore, the sooner you seek medical help, the better. Visit for more information. 


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