How to Heal An Ankle Sprain Fast? Ask the Best sports medicine doctor in Dubai.

Sprained ankles can happen almost anywhere and anytime, whether you take a wrong step off a curb or twist your ankle on the playing field. Sprains vary in severity almost as much as the people who sustain them. You could sustain a minor tear that heals quickly or a more severe rupture that keeps you immobile for months. What to do when you have a sprained ankle? An expert sports medicine doctor can help you with all the information you need. 

Did you know that a lot of sprained ankles reoccur? It's because long-term joint instability makes people more prone to re-injury. If you have a sprained ankle, make an appointment at Adam Vital Hospital immediately.

The following are some of the reasons to see your doctor about a sprained ankle:


     Unusual shape, extreme pain

     A lot of swelling

     Being unable to walk more than a few steps

     Restricted range of motion


What Should You Do Immediately?

If you suspect a sprained ankle due to pain and swelling, use the RICE method:







Follow the RICE method for the first 24 hours to reduce pain and swelling. If your ankle is still the same or worse after this time, it's time to see an expert. Adam Vital Hospital would be the ideal option if you stay in Dubai and are looking for sports medicine specialists. The experts will use advanced imaging to see what's going on inside your ankle and determine the best course of action.


Diagnosis of A Sprained Ankle

Your doctor will examine your ankle, foot, and lower leg during a physical. The doctor will examine the skin around the injury for tenderness and move your foot to assess a range of motion and determine which positions cause discomfort or pain.

If the injury is severe, doctors at the best sports medicine hospital in Dubai may recommend one or more of the following imaging scans to rule out a broken bone or to assess the extent of ligament damage in greater detail:

     X-ray: A small amount of radiation is passed through your body during an X-ray to produce images of the ankle bones. This test is useful for excluding bone fractures.  

     Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (MRI):  MRIs produce detailed cross-sectional or 3-D images of the ankle's soft internal structures, including ligaments, using radio waves and a strong magnetic field. 

     CT scan: CT scans can reveal more information about the joint's bones. CT scans combine X-rays from various angles to create cross-sectional or 3-D images. 

     Ultrasound:  An ultrasound creates real-time images by using sound waves. These images may aid your doctor in determining the condition of a ligament or tendon when the foot is in various positions.


Treatments for a Sprained Ankle

The severity of your injury determines the treatment for a sprained ankle. The treatment goals are to reduce pain and swelling, promote ligament healing, and restore ankle function. For severe injuries, you may be referred to a musculoskeletal injuries specialist, such as an orthopedic surgeon or a sports medicine doctor. Book an initial consultation with the experts of Adam Vital Hospital to learn more about the possible treatment options. However, a few common ones would be: 



The pain of a sprained ankle can be manageable with over-the-counter painkillers, but it’s always better to consult a sports medicine doctor first before taking anything. 


         •     Devices

You might need to use crutches until the pain goes away because walking with a sprained ankle can be painful. Your doctor might advise using an elastic bandage, sports tape, or ankle support brace to stabilize the ankle, depending on the severity of the sprain. A cast or walking boot may be required in the event of a severe sprain to keep the ankle immobile while it heals. Opt for the best sports physiotherapy in Dubai for more accurate guidelines on which device to use.


Your doctor will instruct you to start a series of exercises to regain your ankle's range of motion, strength, flexibility, and stability once the swelling and pain have subsided enough for you to resume movement. Your doctor or a physical therapist will describe the proper technique and progression of exercises.

Balance and stability training is particularly crucial to retrain the ankle muscles to cooperate and support the joint and to aid in the prevention of recurrent sprains. Different levels of balance challenges, such as standing on one leg, maybe a part of these exercises.

Ask your sports medicine doctor when you can resume your activity if you sprained your ankle while exercising or playing a sport. Your doctor or physical therapist may ask you to participate in specific activity and movement tests to find out how well your ankle works for the sports you play.


Surgery is occasionally necessary when an injury doesn't heal, or the ankle is still unstable despite extensive physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises. Surgery could be done to:


     Unhealing ligaments can be repaired

     Using tissue from a nearby ligament or tendon, reconstruct a ligament


When Should You Visit A Sports Medicine Doctor?

 It is true that sprains frequently heal on their own and often do not need casts.

Nevertheless, the experts of Adam Vital Hospital advise anyone who thinks they may have a sprain to consult a doctor. They might be misdiagnosed with another injury that needs care, or they might have additional injuries like broken bones, which is common.


A doctor can also determine the extent of the sprain. Surgery, physical therapy, and other long-term treatments may be necessary for particularly severe sprains. Therefore, if you are suffering, don’t delay getting expert advice. Visit  to book a quick consultation. 


Adam Vital Hospital
Garhoud, Dubai
800 AVH(284)


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